Pioneering Solutions and Strategies for African Political Stability and Development Since 1992
Pan-Africana Strategic and Policy Research Group was founded in 1992 to provide an in-depth study and analyses of the challenges of political stability, safety and development in Africa and propose policy options and strategies for these issues while synergizing the potentials of its diaspora for executing these policies.
PANAFSTRAG as an international organization, is managed by a board, the composition of which reflects regional, linguistic and gender representation.
Pan-Africana Strategic and Policy Research Group (PANAFSTRAG) is a group of willing Africana People coming together voluntarily to deliver original thinking through in-depth study, research, and analyses that benefit Africana people worldwide.
Pan-Africana Strategic and Policy Research Group (PANAFSTRAG) is a group of willing Africana People coming together voluntarily to deliver original thinking through in-depth study, research, and analyses that benefit Africana people worldwide.
Meet the Board Members
The Board Members of PANAFSTRAG

Dr. Margaret T. Andrews Cert Ed MA PhD
Board Member

Ms. Evelyn Dan Epelle
Board Member

Prof. Cheikh Thiam
Board Member

Associate Prof, Anthony C. Diala
Board Member

Prof. Njoki Wane
Board Member

Prof. Marquita Smith
Board Member

Dr. Musa Jega Ibrahim
Board Member

Advogado Eduardo Lourenço Viana
Board Member

Mme Léontine Syra Séhoué
Board Member

Patrícia Alexandra Godinho Gomes
Board Member
Our Cells
Economy (including Cultural & Creative) Trade, Business and Finances.
Soft Power Diplomacy, Africana Public Institutions Representation and Liaisons. All Media, ETC and Awareness Campaign: “I am an Africana” Establishing PANAFSTRAG TV/RADIO by 2024
Our Story, Africana Indigenous Knowledge Systems, Philosophy, Technology Culture and Arts.
Development, Education and Health
Digital Transformation and Cyber-security-4IR, Public, Private and CSOs
Roles and Responsibilities
Duties Of Board Members
To uphold the principles and objectives of PANAFSTRAG and conform with the code of ethics at all times.
To be willing to volunteer skills, profession or service in furtherance of the objectives of the Organisation.
Not to engage in any activity or conduct that will bring the Organisation and/or its members to disrepute.
Not to use the name or resource of the Organisation for private gain.
Not to enter into an arrangement, contract or agreement with any persons or Organizations on behalf of the Organization without the authority of the Cell Leader/ Language Group Leaders/ Team Board Members as the case may be.
To promptly declare any conflict of interest or membership disqualification factor to the Cell Leader/ Language Group Leaders/ Team Board Members as the case may be.
Our Objectives
To provide an in-depth study and analysis of the problems of political and social stability, security and public safety and socio-development in Africa and its diaspora, propose policy options for their solutions and the implementation strategies.
To provide a forum for the discussion and exchange of ideas, knowledge, expertise and experience through seminars, workshops, conferences, roundtables and study groups of African and Afro-descendant Scholars, security Experts, Policymakers and Implementors.
To publish books, monographs, occasional papers, newsletters and such other publications that will support the aims and objectives of PANAFSTRAG, inform Policymakers and enlighten the general public.
To create a platform for bonding between Africans and Afro-descendants in sharing best practices in community security, social issues, economic development, and entrepreneurship with respect to small medium scale enterprises.
To collaborate and partner through its Reps with international, continental, and regional organisations such as UN, AU, industries, and specialised Agencies with interests in Africa and diaspora.
To promote through research and advocacy, policies for conflict prevention and innovation in institutional reforms of political and economic governance at all level for the benefits of Africans and Afro-descendants Communities.
To provide research facilities for visiting scholars and practitioners from different parts of the world in order to enhance mutual understanding of global strategic issues
To bridge the gap between Africans and Africans in the 6th Region on human security issues and development.
To set up a database on strategic issues to facilitate research and provide an Assessment of the security climate for development activities in Africa.
To identify, collect, collate and disseminate information, and to raise public awareness of the Continent's strategic and security issues within Africa and the Diaspora.
Our Challanges
In the 21st century, Civil Society Movements in favour of stability, safety and development face many challenges: not only wars and arms proliferation climate change but also human rights violations, discrimination, hate and ignorance, emergencies, and abuse of the earth resources. Millions are now mobilizing to oppose the process of globalization and inequality, which breeds conflicts of all kinds. What is needed is a globalization of safety and stability that promote human values and sustainable solution for political and socio-economic development
PANAFSTRAG Language groups
PANAFSTRAG Language Groups brings together Africana people whose countries have that language as one of the official languages or as mother tongue. It is open to all Africana people who are ready as volunteers to offer actionable thoughts and ideas and also work well in one of the PANAFSTRAG Cells with a team to activate these ideas successfully.
The Group provides a platform for easy production of knowledge and ideas without language obstacles.The Group is to provide a common linguistic, Ourstory (good and bad) economic, social and cultural platform for Africana people in all official languages of the Africana countries. The Groups are the linkage and enabler of collaboration through these languages with the official languages and the international political groupings; e.g:
The Co-Leaders of each Group will forward nominees with C.Vs as members to the Board for ratification or rejection.
Other members with Language skills cannot be members as there is an opportunity to work together in the Cells.
Co-Leaders (1man & 1 woman) appointed from the Board with one from the Continent and the other from the 6th Region.
Co-Leaders will represent each Group on the Board; who is preferably bilingual to include English
No fees are payable but donations in any form for projects and activities of the Cells are encouraged, Language Groups will organize activities through the Cells except for Group Meetings or external activities in that language.